Colors of Life
Red Blue Green Yellow Pink Violet and lot more. This is a never ending list. Each color is associated with a different emotion, taste & feeling which differs from person to person. Everyone is unique. Everyone has their own way of justifying thoughts. The spice in their original thought is because of different shades of a color. The optimal mix of these colors makes a perfect person. But as we all know no one is perfect. Everyone has got their own preferences and tastes. Everyone is right in one way and wrong in another. This unique mix of right and wrong in a person differentiates the intensity and hue of color in a person. We associate white with purity and black with evil. The appropriate mix of all colors gives White. White is like the attainment of highest truth. We make our journey through various colors. Journey through every color is important as the mix of all colors only makes a white. Every dark and every light shade is important to attain white. Endorse...