Journey from a log of wood to a life of wood

Life is beautiful. Why do we say something is beautiful? What is that thing that is actually making something beautiful? It is the life/prana in something that makes it beautiful. For example: you look at a dead dog or a dried vegetable or a dried leaf you wouldn't say it is beautiful. If you find yourself saying it is beautiful then probably there is some prana/life-force left in it. Eg: Stone has 1 unit of life, so we say stone is beautiful too. This is my journey from a log of wood to a life of wood. Back in 2017, a friend said let's walk through this street, it looks beautiful. I replied what's in this street! These are just trees and shrubs. All I can see are leaves and wood together forming trees. What is so beautiful about it? I have seen several such trees before. They are all the same. It's the same sky, same blades of grass, I have been seeing it since I was a child. Infact back in 2000's I have painted these blades of grass observing them for hours. To be...