Learning through Arts - Day 2

So finally Nischal, Manoj, Kislay, Ajay, Amrita and myself,volunteers of Child Rights & You (CRY), Bangalore East PAG; conducted our second session as part of Learning through Arts, a program by ArtSparks in collaboration with CRY. Day 2: 5th December 2015 Picking up from super Hero :D/ inspirational Hero, we could explain who an inspirational Hero is? One of us quoted mother as example. Taking this as an example we asked our kids to names their heros. I know you are curious to know these stories but I better leave the suspense to the end. Now that we have decided our hero, it was time to revise the previous class. So it was STANDING LINESSSS, SLEEPING LINESSS, ZIG-ZAG LINES (well they just learnt that it was same as mountain lines from previous class), CAARCLE, SQUUAREE, RECTAANGLE, OVAL. Goal: Visualizing and Sketching Hero Character. Starting with our session's goals, I took inputs from kids and drew my hero. Learning from previous session's mistak...