So finally Nischal, Manoj, Kislay, Ajay, Amrita and myself,volunteers of Child Rights & You (CRY), Bangalore East PAG; conducted our second session as part of Learning through Arts, a program by ArtSparks in collaboration with CRY.
Picking up from super Hero :D/ inspirational Hero, we could explain who an inspirational Hero is? One of us quoted mother as example. Taking this as an example we asked our kids to names their heros. I know you are curious to know these stories but I better leave the suspense to the end. Now that we have decided our hero, it was time to revise the previous class. So it was STANDING LINESSSS, SLEEPING LINESSS, ZIG-ZAG LINES (well they just learnt that it was same as mountain lines from previous class), CAARCLE, SQUUAREE, RECTAANGLE, OVAL.
Goal: Visualizing and Sketching Hero Character.
Starting with our session's goals, I took inputs from kids and drew my hero. Learning from previous session's mistakes, many lines were drawn for proportion. (Eeew seriously so many lines and these people don't give us erasers). And yeah!, we did finish explaining our demonstration in 7 minutes. You might be wondering how is it possible. Hmmm yeah! you can't predict when kids become patient :D. No more words; lets have our pictures. I know you are getting impatient too.
Now you know how we finished the whole demonstration in 7 minutes. These kids were very attentive (Please ignore the girl staring at you):P oops Manoj and Ajay also were attentive. :P |
Did I say they were attentive? Well, that's how it looks from the front. :D |
Hehehe look at that hand. Awwww so loooong. Then that moment "I wish I could use my eraser." I said, it is OK to make mistakes, and yeah I am not perfect as well. |
Amrita didi, this line like this? Yes dear.. didididi.. please draw for me... it is not happening. It is happening, you do I am seeing. I will help you if you go wrong. |
Hey take your bangle. Thanks. Now my face is perfect. Hey give me that eraser. Trust me about the number of fluorescent yellow, orange, scented & Natraj erasers I have collected. But they still found their way brrr.. |
My mother should have perfect flowers in her saree. Actually, even before she started drawing, all she was interested was drawing flowers on her mother's saree... :D |
Hey, I drew my elder sister and standing beside me is my younger brother. My sister is my hero becaaauuuse she helps me when my mother is out for work. She cooks food for me and my brother. She takes care of me when my mother is not there. And naku ma akka ante istam(And I love my sister). |
So cute yet so simple. :) |
Finally my mother with her perfect flowers on her saree. My mother is my hero because she cooks food for me and sends me to school. I will study and do job and give money to my amma(mother). |
Maa daddy. Ma daddy walla ne nenu school ki oostunanu. (My father. I am coming to school because of my father). |
The prefect copy of what I drew/(demonstration). :P She didn't even forget the flower in hand. Trust me she did not have access to the sheet which I drew. |
Introspection time: Bhanu saar is my hero. I love cricket. He teaches me cricket and lets me play cricket. |
hawww that drawing is sooo bad.... No kids, every drawing is good. It is okay to make mistakes.
Good bye kids. See you all next Saturday. :) |
For those who have missed Day-1 session, kindly visit
Learning through Arts - Day1.
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