What is soul?

In my opinion, I think soul is to experience. That is why it lies on the top of all levels of existence namely Body, Breath, Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego and Self. I don't think we can really define what is soul or self. We can may be use intellect, memory or mind to attempt defining soul but we could still miss out and not complete the definition. The way i try to see is, it is all one conscious. One conscious that has all creation, universe and everything. We start Art of Living courses with "I belong to you" over time i am realizing it is a very profound statement. It is saying everything is just one. You feel no barriers no walls. You feel sad/happy = I feel sad/happy. At that level we might feel others emotions as our own because we are all one. All just one conscious. Self is above ego or identity. When we touch that level of soul there is just no difference between anything. You are everything or you are nothing just doesn't matter. As a kid I was told god is ...