Smile Please!

Smile takes but a moment but how often do we smile. Let me give you a few instances when we don’t forget to smile.
Instance number 1: “Now is it OK.” “Smile cheese.”” Yes that looks like a good picture.” We never forget to smile in photographs.
Instance number 2: When some friends or some friendly guest comes to our house. “Please have some tea or coffee” and there goes the smile which you don't forget to give.
Instance number 3: You have delivered your project/ work in time. You are being praised and complimented for the good work. These good words make u happy and you don't forget to smile.

These are just a few instances when we don't forget to smileSmile takes but a moment but I often end up smiling for just a few moments in my parties or my trips or any family get- tog ethers. How many of you feel the same?

Now if I ask you why don't you smile often? Or why do you forget to smile?
You may say I have nothing to be happy about. If I smile without reason, people will think that I am a fool. Or someone may say that I am too busy to smile. Some may say I am very depressed. I don't want to smile.
Well if you have answers of this kind, then let me give you some reasons to smile. Let me tell you what smile actually does? 
1. You must have heard of a body mind connection. Well a simple act of smiling helps brain pump out good endorphins making you happier and energetic. So, don’t forget to smile when in stress.
2. Smile is contagious. When u smile the whole world smiles with you. Seeing a simple friend smile can activate the muscles of your face and mimic the same action. It is crazy right but it is true. Don't forget to smile when you are consoling someone.
3. Smiling Lowers your Blood Pressure – When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
3. Smile makes you look attractive. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96 percent of American adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex. So the next time you are about to ask someone on a date, smile. It'll make them feel happier, and you'll already be more attractive in his or her eyes!. so, don't forget to smile.

After giving a list of reasons I ask you, do you really need a reason to smile? For example take 5-6 year old kids they are just happy and smile very often. They don't forget to smile.
Let me tell you a small story of a 7 year old kid. There was a child named Diya who used to go to the other village occasionally to play with her friends. One day as usual she went to the other village. But while returning it became dark. There were black clouds and it started thundering and lightening. Her mother at home was more tensed about her. But she returned home with a smile on her face. Her mother asked, "Dear Diya weren't you afraid walking all alone in the woods with lightening and thundering?" She said no mother. In fact I was happy. Every-time there was a lightning, I looked up at the lightening and made sure I smiled. After all god took so many pictures of  mine, I need to look good mom. Then her mother smiled listening to her.
So my friends, just smile there wont be any problems around you. So, don't forget to smile.

Smile helps you feel good, makes you feel lighter.
It takes 36 muscles to smile but 328 to frown - so don't forget to smile.  Smile takes but a moment. It is just a simple curve to makes things straight in your life.

Don’t forget to smile. You are someone’s reason to smile
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Try smiling at people, you never know how one smile can affect their day and make life much better. Don’t forget to smile. You are someone’s reason to smile.
When life gives your hundreds of reasons to cry,
Show life that you have thousands of reasons to smile!


  1. "Smile helps you feel good, makes you feel lighter." - very true :) :)


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