Educated, A memoir by Tara Westover

Dumbfounded I sit thinking how little I know about the world. The experiences people have/had. How much deep the suffering can really be. I thought I have the deepest scar in my life suffering alone but here this lady has gone through things which stands way beyond my wildest imagination. Everything she wrote in this book felt like a fiction. I could hardly believe it is a memoir. I have heard/seen kids not going to schools because of various reasons. Staying home doing all odd jobs to help get food on the table. But life is still normal. As a kid, go help your father/mother at the construction site or farm to cultivate crops get some extra daily wage for the family for food on table or actually floor. But never did a thought cross mind what goes on in families like these when one of the parents is a bipolar/schizophrenic. It is super hard. A kid not going to school and growing up listening to the random imaginations of a schizophrenic paranoid patient, is almost like living in a cage. This kid would have no idea what is real/imaginary. Poor Tara, thought Illuminati was real and that world would really come to an end. Their whole family actually stocked food so they could survive when world would come to end. Her father who was schizophrenic did not have any understanding of pain. Having cuts and bruises is ok. But, having ghastly injuries like broken head that you could see the brain, 3rd degree burns that you gasp for breath, fracturing bones and living through it is a everyday norm. Wasn't this already hard enough that Tara had a brother named Shawn who abused her and thought it was game. Though there was some realisations in Shawn but nothing that would make him not repeat again. Oh my god, Tara Westover hats off to you and thanks to her brother Tyler who helped her come out and see the world. Come to feel that love can exist in the world. See what is sane and what is insane and come to terms with it. At age of 17 Tara steps in classroom for first time and then with glitches here and there, there was nothing stopping here. MPhil and then PhD from Cambridge with a year in Harvard. Isn't this an inspirational story. It is more than inspiring. It is unbelievable that such people exists. Its ok to be a believer of Mormon but not ok to lose common sense. I wish Tara and her family finds peace and hope the very best and good luck to Tara. 

This is probably one of the best fiction I read in a long time. I know this is a memoir but the storyline and writing was too good that it felt like a fiction. I wasn't explained whys of her actions or her families actions etc. I loved how she left it to the reader. Had I not known it was memoir, I would have convinced anyone that it is a great fiction. This is a must read to broaden your perspective and I hope a movie is made on this book one day. The book could be disturbing slightly and it is a story that needs to be told. Spread awareness and as a reader you might become more empathetic and humble towards other people around. We really never know what he/she sitting next to you has gone through. Spread love and happiness in the world. 


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