Why training fails sometimes?

Him: Wht hav u been upto fr last two days?
Me: Don't know
Me: Browsing, reading, watching videos
Him: Videos???
Me: About mind, psychology, running
Him: Baaba re
Him: N u call me crazy
Me: Mind and psychology are my fav topics any day
Me: Running awai I was exploring
Him: Ok so what did you explore in running?
Me: It feels good while running
Me: Training is tougher than running ur race
Him: Ye to hai
Him: Bt isnt d same true for anything
Him: Training shud b tougher than d actual event
Me: Not exactly
Me: Sometimes u are soo prepared but still pressure pulls you down
Me: Expectation to be precise
Me: If u succumb to pressure no amount of training or preparation helps
Me: Specially for brain driven task
Him: Hmm bt isn't tht also part of training
Me: How do u train urself of the expectations?
Me: However well prepared I was, why couldn't I score well in IIT?
Him: Managing parent's expectatn may nt hav been handled dat well
Him: Wht i meant is
Him: In mock drills or xams
Me: But, you did well in mock drills.
Me: Another example, person scored well in nets
Me: But couldn't do on field
Me: Y?
Him: If we r able to mimick d sitatns well
Him: N den its ur instincts dat take u forward
Me: There are many cases where students score well in pre board but average in actual board
Me: Pre board is a mimick
Him: Its an interesting topic
Him: Kohli fr eg
Him: He prepares really well
Him: Bt match situatns me he cn perfrm btr than even his preparatns
Him: He has done dat
Him: Nt evry1 cn do it
Me: There are two aspects
Me: Not everybody is strong emotionally...
Me: Technically u should do well in actual situations as you concentrate better than during your practice sessions.
Me: Emotional training or fooling ur head is also necessary
Me: Self pressure is good
Me: But peer pressure is bad
Me: When self pressure exceeds peer pressure u do well
Me: Vice versa u flunk
Him: U r lyk me now
Him: 😀
Me: Achhaaa
Him: So ja ab
Him: Interesting topic...


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