Binge watching Veep

Finally finished binge watching a beautiful political satire HBO series: "Veep". So, this is me, I avoid binge-watching. This is like getting into the trap of watching non-stop for 2-3 days. I get so into it that I become unaware of what is going on around me.

This was my first series about politics. I am someone who would be miles away from the discussion about politics. Bores me to death! But this series caught my eye. Really good for someone like that. Too good comedy, perfect exaggerated acting, and all the "fuck ups" as Selena, the Veep says after most of her fuck-ups. Mike Mclintock, the PR person, I liked him rather competing with Sue for the number of steps in his Fitbit than a polished talk show host on TV. It is funny how I like Dan Egan running around finding insights or pushed out after he did his job. Dan's character I think lost its texture from season 4. Emy Brookheimer, oh I love her. The workholic like me except that I am definitely a little less. The way she goes on and on as the most effective to the point person at work and how she outrages her emotions and anger.... Loved her throughout. Just wished Dan and Emy kissed to audience. I waited till the last season last episode :( [SPOILER ALERT] Then Jonah Ryans, how this character moved from nothing to a VP at then end of last episode of the series, who would have imagined that at any time of the series. Then poor Gary, I loved his character. I loved how directors and writers of the show gave that character some depth. It was perfect. Like saving a lipstick for her presidential speech. His devotion and Selena's neglect just perfect. Finally Selena the masterpiece of the show, you just can't get eyes off her. She looks beautiful I must say. Her outfits were so well chosen, thanks to Gary :P But must say with all the soups, she and her team gets into makes you as watcher want to see her even more. Her husband or her ex-husband Andrew, her always crying daughter Katherine with her spouse Marjorie just makes Selena shine. Her toothy smile can be irritating but thats politics people... :P

So, my 3 days of watching Veep left me with the feeling of how the world of politics is. It is sometimes real, sometimes fake, sometimes lies and sometimes truth. Of all it was a very very different world I had never ever imagined. Very nice well thought of series with exceptional writing. Really helped someone who just watches rom-com to capture and enjoy the essence of politics. The drops of laughter every now and then just made it even more enjoyable.

Thank you to all the writes, producers, directors, and cast of "Veep". I don't know how to describe the feeling, but it was one hell of a series. The world of politics was definitely something new. and thank you for introducing that to me. Not sure if I would watch some other movie or series about politics but I for sure enjoyed this series. "Veep". There you go, the best political sattire "Veep"! Thank you!


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