My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey

This is a book by Jill Taylor. Karthik who is from my meditating group, recommended us this book in one of our knowledge sessions where we talk about life and beyond. I knew outright that this could be a book with a lot of insight. Jill a neuroanatomist gets a major stroke and loses a lot of her left brain. Left brain is all about the to-do list. We use left brain to work, day-to-day activities, speak, read etc. Now you may wonder what does right brain even do? Didn't left brain cover everything? So, Jill with her left hemisphere flooded in blood what do you think her capabilities were after the stroke? And she says "To the right mind, no time exists other than the present moment, and each moment is vibrant with sensation. Life or death occurs in the present moment. The experience of joy happens in the present moment. Our perception and experience of connection with something that is greater than ourselves occurs in the present moment. To our right mind, the moment of now is timeless and abundant.” Suddenly I realized yes this makes sense, we say creativity, intuition, compassion is the right brain. All the creativity happens when you are at peace and in the present. Right brain shows the magnanimity and left brain highlights the details. It is amazing how the two hemispheres which are so different work together in tandem. Throughout out lives we are taught to be focussed on the capabilities of left brain that right brain never has a say. All the circuits of right brain which shows big picture with child-like curiosity, and has deep joy within loses some strength in wiring. Reading through this book I realized all the meditation and yoga practices in my daily is all about consciously go back to strengthening the neural connections of my right brain. As Jill says state of nirvana happens with right brain.

I feel very proud of Jill that she could fully recover from stroke and published this book detailing her journey right through the stroke and share her insights. These are invaluable insights which strengthens the power and importance and meditative practices and yoga. This book is a must read for everyone. This will give insight on how people suffering from all mental ailments go through their life and how should you behave around them and help them. They are just wounded and not stupid. This book left me feeling humble.

Ending with a quote from book: 
"Our right brain perceives the big picture and recognizes that everything around us, about us, among us and within us is made up of energy particles that are woven together into a universal tapestry. Since everything is connected, there is an intimate relationship between the atomic space around and within me, and the atomic space around and within you - regardless of where we are. On an energetic level, if I think about you, send good vibrations your way, hold you in the light, or pray for you, then I am consciously sending my energy to you with a healing intention. If I meditate over you or lay my hands upon your wound, then I am purposely directing the energy of my being to help you heal."


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