Why do I teach yoga?

Teaching yoga is expressing myself and seeing healing and happiness in the participants. Teaching is like sharing my learning with others. I have helped my colleagues, batchmates, friends in school to catch up on subjects, learn a new language, and explain a complicated subject. Carrying forward learning and sharing life skills slowly became a part of me. Learning and sharing these life skills through yoga just became easier. Announcing yoga courses helps me reach a lot more people who I may not have met. We never know who is in need of knowledge, looking for a person to talk to or just a way to manage their mind. Also, many times we see people struggling in life due to repeated patterns. With yoga I have seen it work and have faith it can do miracles. With body and breath we can control our mind. We can see patterns and take control of our life. Yoga might look like asanas and pranayamas in the beginning. But as we keep doing we develop a rhythm in our body and breath during the practice. This slowly gets incorporated in our daily activities and we start taking control of life.

Yoga also teaches us to surrender. Some days our body can bend only so much, some other days we feel very flexible and strong. We learn to listen to our body and do as much as we can. This same thought process easily carries forward to daily activities. Surrender when there is traffic on the road. Surrender when it starts raining on your day out.

Teaching yoga is sowing the seed with basic principles in life. This seed blossoms with practice of yoga. Seeing this seed blossom in my participants just reinforces my purpose to teach and share yoga with new vigour every day.


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