Confession is commitment

What is confession? 
Confession is to admit that you did something wrong/illegal. 
Confession is not Betrayal, it is commitment to your new life.

How many of you visited the popular Facebook confession pages? How many of you actually made confessions in Facebook or to someone in particular? Was there any difference before and after you confessed?
If your answer is NOOOOOOO.... or NO or No or no 
Well, don't worry about that. Nobody is perfect. It is OK to make mistakes. But the important part is what you do after you made mistakes? You confess. Yes as simple as that. Admit that you did something wrong and apologize for the same. I understand that it is easy said than done. Come on, let me tell you one story from my childhood.
It was 7:55 am and my dad was shouting "come on get ready soon". But, I was still putting on my socks and my mother plaiting my hair. I was only by 8:00 am that I was out of my house :P . My school prayer begins by 8:05 am. It takes 13 minutes to reach my school gate. Thanks to precise calculation of my dad. I am late again. After the prayer, I was taken to the vice principal's cabin. I heard myself giving all silly excuses. “My clock stopped working. Alarm did not ring. There was lots of traffic. There was a buffalo in between the road or something else I don't remember”.
These excuses started becoming burden and slowly a nightmare for me. However hard I tried to reach early to school it never happened. In fact whenever I woke up early I was even more late. I tend to do my morning chores even more lazily. Everyday started with a pack of lies in school. I was ashamed. I used to think I am a born late-comer. Nothing can change me. In-spite of being an all-rounder in school this habit ashamed me. Shame made me feel more accusatory. One day I was watching Power-puff girls on TV. In that show, one girl by name Bubbles said sorry to her sister Buttercup for lying to her all through the Spring. After that Bubbles told her the truth and everything became normal later on. Then I thought let me also tell the truth to Vice Principal. So, the next day when I was taken to the Vice Principal's cabin, I told him I am a disorganized, lazy little girl. I don't know how to work on time. He just looked at me and smiled. Then he started laughing looking at my innocence. He said “Nobody is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes or lies at one point or the other in life. But it is only the braver few who actually admits making mistakes or telling lies. You are the rare brave child. I know you will be one those few kids who will be remembered even after you leave school. Saying so, he gave me a small suggestion. He told me keep my wrist watch 10 minutes ahead of the actual time.” And to this day my watch is 10 minutes fast. Now I am hardly late to a meeting or party or any event except for situations which is beyond my control.
Dear friends, The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good work. Words have power. Even a simple confession like “I am sorry I never meant to hurt you.” can help recover a relationship on the verge of break-up. These simple confessions becomes a part of your new life. They become the new beginning. It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. Confession is not Betrayal, it is commitment to your new life. So, my dear friends are you ready to confess your mistakes?


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