Embrace the current season

Embrace the current season: the season that reckoned from the time unnoticed and unperceived. This season watches our busy lives: the hectic IT life, the satisfy girlfriend/boyfriend life. Noticing the amount of negligence it faced, it made sure that we embraced it or at-least observed it. And let me tell you yes we did. We did observe the season when girls in Bangalore said to their lovers on a date: “Dear isn't it so hot, let us leave for the day”.

Let me give you some more examples.It was 24th December 1997. I became 7 years old. The winter was blowing its cold breathe everywhere. It blessed us with no sun and cold storms with blankets and sweaters as the must have and must-wear clothes. My family had planned a birthday party at our house. We had guests coming in those thick jackets looking at their fattest with scarfs covering their faces making identity management crisis. But what mattered for me was how could I present myself. I had my birthday dress, bangles and necklace covered under my thick woolen sweaters. My dreams of looking my best on THE day was getting shattered. Though had a cheerful cake cutting and dinner I was upset looking at myself in the photos. I started hating winter from then on. No winter lasts forever, it comes back in a cycle. It was December 1998. My mother helped me buy new sweaters and fancy socks. I looked my best. I realized had it not been winter I wouldn't have had the opportunity to wear those pretty sweaters. Before I even realized I already embraced winter. I learn t how to adapt. Just think back. You will also find memories where you must have this lesson to adapt; the lesson to embrace the present. This simple lesson made my winters from the season I hate to the season I love. Saying so I must admit that winter is one season which makes me feel more comfortable, because this is the only season which helps me hide that extra fat. Don't you agree with me?

No sooner had I started enjoying hiding my extra pounds, than came the days when I had to show my extra pounds. The cold breeze replaced with hot ones. No more extra clothes. The weather became more and more sultery. You all can relate it too well walking or riding in the heating Bangalore. How many of you think of sun-tan, sun-protection or sun-screen in this heated season? So do I. Sun tan, dry skin, sweaty sweat; all these stuff make summer even more unbearable. But let me ask you didn't we embrace it? We did. Don't you remember the occasional cold-drink, lassi or mazza parties with family and friends? Don't you mesmerize the those wonderful school vacations. Let us not forget the beach-times, adventure sports in places like Goa &Kashmir. Though it got us tanned, it taught us to embrace with exuberance; with full of enerygy and happiness.

All this happiness and energy started showering. The heavy showers and downpour was acoompanied by powercuts and blood-sucking mosquitoes. But still nothing of these could spoil my love for rain. Rainy season is the season I loved. I loved every drizzle and every blossom. I enjoyed my umbrella, smell of earth and every pitter patter of rain drops. But let me tell you my happiness got shattered withnin a moment. SPLASH! That SUV made my white pants muddy just before I had entered the office campus. All I could do was burst my anger in air and have scary big eyes popped out at me. But then I remembered my lessons to embrace and adapted. I shopped for an extra pair of pants before I could goto office. Nothing could make my day that day. But as you know life goes on. We cannot sit days together waiting for the season to end. We have to embrace the current season; the current season of your life. It can be your work season, relationship season or family season. We need seasons to live the rhythm of life. No season lasts forever but no season skips its turn aswell. So, my dear toastmasters let yourself embrace the current season. 


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