And then there were none - Day 17 #100HappyDays

Happiness is feeling feeling scared, anxious, uneasy all while reading a book. Felt jitters and panic at many points when people kept dying in the book. Kept racking my brain trying to figure out who was the culprit? Who was the devil who kept killing everyone in the isolated soldier island? As a reader even I felt trapped similar to Vera in the island like a zoo animal. Late night 2 pm, skimming through the pages, reading in that same position, nervous anxious to find out the culprit. Everyone definitely read such a book at least once in their life. If not, it is time to experience it.

Finally, the mystery ends with no clue who was the mastermind behind artistically following our nursery rhyme soldier. Police investigation account was in vain. Then, all thanks to Agatha Christie in unraveling the genius Justice Lawrence Wargrave. He talks to us from grave through his confession letter in a bottle set in ocean and then dies by a bullet through forehead.

Though the first half of book felt dry with too many character introductions, second half was definitely gripping and worth the effort. Definitely a must-read from Agatha Christie's collection of novels. Thanks to Shweta, my flatmate for the hard-copy book - "And There Were None".


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