Pancha Prana

 In Pranamaya Kosha, the mukhya prana manifests into 5 different forms based on direction, movement and function. The pancha prana are:

  1. Prana: Air flowing forward. It helps in all inward movements such as breathing, swallowing, eating, drinking, sensory reception. Breathe is the gross manifestation of Prana. 
    • It influences Anahata and Vishuddhi chakra.
  2. Apana: Air that moves away, moves downward and outward helping in elimination, excretion and ejaculation. It helps eliminate negative emotions and mental experiences. 
    • It influences Mooladhara and Svadhistana chakra.
  3. Udana: Upward moving of air, helps in standing, speech, growth in body and all kinds of emotions. It is active at the time of death and is responsible for ejecting Subtle body from gross body. 
    • It influences Ajna and Sahasra chakra. 
    • It is also related to the Sushumna nadi.
  4. Samana: Balances Apana and Prana. It aids in digestion at all levels. 
    • It influences Manipura chakra.
  5. Vyana: Moves from centre to the periphery. It governs all the circulation. It moves food, water and oxygen throughout the body. Circulates emotions and thoughts in the mind.

Knowledge of Pancha prana is very helpful for a yoga teacher. Our lifestyle has a huge impact on our prana or the pranic body. Imbalances in our prana affect different functions &  movement of energy in our body and thought patterns & emotions in our mind. Understanding the pranas or imbalances can help a yogi understand the energy flow and thus do asanas accordingly to correct the prana/flow of energy. For example: hip opening asanas will be very good for Apana, inversions will be very good for Upana.

How our body and mind functions and how they influence each other is clearly dependent in prana. So, if we feel healthy, most likely we have a clear mind. If we have too many thoughts then most likely we are having erratic breathing and not feel so great at body level. In short if there is uninterrupted flow of prana, we will feel healthy and energetic. We will have patience in mind and dynamism in action.


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