In April 2021, I took my first driving class. Since then it was roller coaster ride in personal life. Finally in August 2022, I restarted my driving practice in Maruti 800 with my sister. This was my first time on a vehicle. I lacked road sense, had loads of unknown fear, feared every tiny thing on road. Even a slightest noise or sound while driving would startle me and if sound was from back, I would turn back. Then began my sister’s wedding preparations in March 2023. Now there was no choice. We were in road almost 12 hours a day. Driving to charminar, banjara hills, jublee hills, secunderabad all over the city. After couple of days in Maruti 800, we switched to Baleno. Summers were unbearable without ac in car. My gradual practice in baleno suddenly turned into drives to begum bazar, late night koti market along with my sister. Towards the end it was solo driving to all kinds of narrow congested roads in kushaiguda market for paper plates, water bottles, nagaram for ice cream, ecil ...
Astanga Yoga has bought a lot of discipline in my life. There are ups and downs in life. There are success & failures, good news & bad news to digest, moody sad say and happy enthusiastic day. Opposites are just complementary in life. Both co-exist. As Purusha defined in Sankhya yoga, we tend to get either of these extremes. It takes wisdom to take the middle path and not be swayed by the 3 gunas i.e. Prakruti. Astanga Yoga is the wisdom shared by Maharshi Patanjali. I got a news that turns my life upside down, that comes at a least expected time, that adds wings to my fear of loneliness. Entangled in maya I was sad, bitter, showing all signs of a disturbed mind. It implies I was stuck in one or more of 9 obstacles. Maharshi Patanjali says Eka Tattva Abhyasa i.e. one pointed practice to overcome these 9 obstacles. So next morning however difficult I just pushed myself on the mat and just did my regular yoga practice with asana, pranayama and meditation as described i...
Dumbfounded I sit thinking how little I know about the world. The experiences people have/had. How much deep the suffering can really be. I thought I have the deepest scar in my life suffering alone but here this lady has gone through things which stands way beyond my wildest imagination. Everything she wrote in this book felt like a fiction. I could hardly believe it is a memoir. I have heard/seen kids not going to schools because of various reasons. Staying home doing all odd jobs to help get food on the table. But life is still normal. As a kid, go help your father/mother at the construction site or farm to cultivate crops get some extra daily wage for the family for food on table or actually floor. But never did a thought cross mind what goes on in families like these when one of the parents is a bipolar/schizophrenic. It is super hard. A kid not going to school and growing up listening to the random imaginations of a schizophrenic paranoid patient, is almost like living in a cage....
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