Latin Dance - Day 8 #100HappyDays

Yes, it is always a perfect happy day when you get to dance. Tried something new, Latin dance it was. It felt like Salsa for me and I also understand that there must be differences. I love to dance. Though not good at doing at girly kinda moves but I am learning. Best part was when a trained professional ball dancer told me you have danced before. His name was Jamie. He was too good. My first learning step was with him. It was a sheer coincidence. I also danced with several people after learning a few steps, most of them were trained ball room dancers. I could follow their steps and their lead. It was awesome. Next time no spectacles. Only lenses <angry>.

Finally, my favorite was the last dance with Jamie. I can never ever forget that. I wish I could get the video. Anyway, I got the picture. #DanceIsLife


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