Sugar Skull Painting - Day 10 - #100HappyDays

Happiness is painting after I think 7 years. It was part of an event by SBU Creative Arts. It really felt accomplished. I tried acrylic paints for the first time. It was awesome and different. Couldn't figure out how to get uniform color over an area then figured out its thickness and texture. It was awesome. Loved acrylic painting. Final look and brightness is I think better than poster colors and watercolors. Yeah I understand every type of paint is for different use. But, in my opinion, acrylic paintings would last long and overall the painting looks brighter. So, lets see how does my sugar skull painting look?

Sugar Skull hanging on my apartment wall.

This is the room where I painted.

All set with required materials.
Thanks to SBU Creative Arts.

This is how I started.
My first few strokes with acrylic.
Yes did it. After 2.5 hours
of playing with acrylic paints.
Happy me posing with my sugar skull :) :) :)


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