Action in inaction and inaction in action

Action in inaction is seeing action while you think you are still. For example, while meditating you are sitting still. In deep meditation, even your mind is still. But, you can see a lot of activity happening. The heart is functioning, food is digesting in the body, the body is breathing and so on. These are actions that may not create impressions/samskaras since they don’t generate reaction as a result.

Inaction in action is the feeling of stillness within while in action. For example, you could be working on a computer or cooking, your karmendriyas and jnanedriyas could be busy acting and receiving the response of action. But even through these actions, you can experience stillness within. One way that I felt it was when I was consciously breathing through my work. First, it was a conscious effort. After that, I, as an observer, could see the action happening when my mind and arms were working. But the observer felt detached and still unwavering towards the action the body & mind were doing.

In short, there is always an action. There is nothing called inaction. Even not acting is an action. For example: not helping a person near the footpath who is distressed is not inaction. Rather, it is an action of not choosing not to help. This creates a samskara. A man cannot escape from action. Action is everywhere. But a wise man is one who sees action in inaction and inaction in action.


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