Bhakti yoga as I understand & feel it

Bhakti is a path to dissolving into infinity. Bhakti is a path to become one with infinity. Bhakti is being a true devotee to the divine nature. A devotee is someone who serves the divine with utmost love. Divine is the pure consciousness which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Divinity is within us. Bhakti is the path to meet with this divinity within. The other way to see it is everyone around us also has the divinity within. So, serving others is serving the divine. Bhakti is then serving others because serving others is serving the divinity. From the Bhagavad Gita, this is the Daasyam form of bhakti.

We can achieve oneness with the divine through Bhakti when we start seeing divine in everyone. I-ness or the ego drops when Bhakti arises. A Bhakta when he/she has obstacles in his/her daily life, he/she knows that they are coming from the divine. This shift in thought changes the perspective of a situation from an obstacle to an opportunity to get closer to divine. Since after-all the obstacles are divine’s creation. Bhakti yoga in daily life is seeing the divinity within you, in the person next to you, in nature, criminal, lawyer, sweeper and the person committing suicide. In bhakti you transcend through all the pain & sorrow within and go towards freedom and liberation.


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