How I relate the four purusharthas in my life.

Below is how I relate four purusharthas in my life. 
  1. Dharma – I work as a software engineer. My job is to create products and share knowledge. I look for ways to solve problems in my work life and outside work. The problems to solve can be as simple as fixing the wifi setup of printer at home to trying to renovate the washroom. Sharing knowledge is my second nature required at job and in my real life. My yoga journey started with me wanting to share my yoga practice with others and this is my dharma. 
  2. Artha – Artha means prosperity. I feel basic necessities are needed to live a peaceful and blissful life where food water and shelter is taken care of. My regular software engineer job gives me income for my daily expenditure and more money to save for future. 
  3. Kama – Kama means desire. Among the several desires my strongest desire is to serve. Serve family, teachers, near and dear ones, friends and everyone who is in need. Apart from this there are several desires that keep coming and going. At the level of heart there is a desire to settle down with a life partner and at the level of head there is always a desire to keep learning and experiencing something new in life. 
  4. Moksha – Blessed to have a spiritual path and my holy gratitude to all the gurus on this path.


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