Why do you feel sad?

Sadness happens when you don’t get what you expect. Self is looking for joy everywhere. For example: it gets attracted to a plate of pastry. Who is attracted? Actually, it is the senses getting attracted to an object, i.e. Pastry. That plate of pastry gives a lot of joy. But where is the joy? Is it in the pastry or the sense i.e. tasting it or something deep within. Many folks think it is in the pastry. So that’s why, after finishing a plate of pastry, you run behind another plate of pastry. But how many can you have? You have 10, 20, 50… At one point you get saturated. That plate of pastry doesn’t give joy anymore. If pastry was giving joy, then more pastry should give more joy. But that’s not true.

So, where is the joy coming from? Joy comes when the tongue tastes the pastry, it sends signals deep within evoking the joy within. That joy comes at the peak of an experience. The joy is within. There is a limit to which senses can enjoy an object. Beyond that, the senses get saturated and joy is not emanated. Just because we have an illusion that joy is coming from an object and not from within, we run behind the objects trying to satisfy the senses. But the senses get saturated and we don’t realize it and keep chasing sensual objects only to get disappointed. Because those sense objects are not emanating joy like they did before. This continuous chasing behind sensory objects causes sadness in one’s life.

All this knowledge comes from Yogasara Upanishads! Grateful to the master and lineage of masters for passing this knowledge and keeping the knowledge alive.


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