My experience of performing Shanka Prakshalan

Shanka Prakshalan is an ancient cleansing technique mentioned under the Dahuti in Shat kriays in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It cleanes the intestines using luke warm salt water. As of today I did the Laghu Shanka Prakshalan 3 times. First time I did it in March 2021 during 200 hour TTP with Sri Sri Yoga. Second time in March 2022 before Shivratri fasting and the third time in October 2022 during 300 hour TTP with Sri Sri Yoga. The first time when I was doing I was doing I was afraid of the whole process. I warmed salt water but was unsure if it was right temperature and it was right amoount of salt. As per instructions we had to drink 500 ml of water at a time in each round. This was like 2 glasses of water. I still remember after drinking 1 glass I really struggled drinking the second glass and this was just the first round. Somehow used all my willpower and pushed myself to drink it. Did all the asanas as per video shared by Sri Sri Yoga and went to washroom. Nothing happened. Returned back and started the second round. Drinking water got harder with every round. Post second round I could just pass urine. It was only in third that things started happening. My intesntines started emptying. By 4th round all 2 literes of water that I drank over 4 rounds started gushing out like a tap. After the 4th cleansing round, I just layed down under a blanket without fan. Warmth actually felt good. Felt like heat from body was coming out. Eyes closed alsmot asleep but not asleep. Then Kichdi without salt and lots of ghee was amazing. But I started craving salt in the meals towards the evening. Overall felt light and exhausted too. I am very proud of myself of having done this laghu shanka prakshalan. I pushed myself just because it was part of the course. Now, the second time, I was preparing myself for Shivratri fasting. I cannot stay without eating for more than 6 hours. I either have acidity or bloating which make me very uneasy. But this time under the guidance of Ramesh bhaiyya and Neeraj bhaiyya, I decided to give fasting a shot. As part of my preparation I was recommended to do Shanka Prakshalan by Ramesh bhaiyya. So, I did it on 28th feb 2022 and it was amazing. Before Shanka Prakshalan Stomach felt very heavy and bloated but after 4 roubds everything came out. I didnt feel like eating anything. I felt very fresh and energetic till night. Ate plain kichdi without salt and didn't even have salt craving like the last time. After that fasting also was amazing. I did water fasting. During the fast, I noticed that all the food cravings were in mind. Stomach didn't really want food. Looking at food was torturous. Image of eating street pizza kept coming in mind and experience of eating kept coming. Huge craving to go eat pizza but controlled with willpower. Then when I went to temple at night I wasn't really hungry but craving to eat all those bnanas and coconuts left in temple as prasad almost killed me. It was amazing to notice the torture of mind like an observer while the stomach was just fine not eating food. Finally the third time during 300 hour ttp, I chose a day without lot of distractions. But this time I forgot to have the Triphla tablets the previous day. I contemplated a lot if I should continue or do it another day. Since I made up my mind I just went ahead. I was infact curious how would it go. This particalar day I infact felt constipated and coudn't freshen up. Stomach felt really heavy and bloated. So, I started the process. Not much difficulty with drinking water. 3 rounds done and just regular release of potty. All the water was absorbed or just inside the body. Now the fourth round got harder because of so much water in stomach. Drinking was ok but doing asanas was getting difficult. 4th round nothing. Previously I always did 4 rounds. I thought let me do a 5th round, if it happens good else I will stop. I never did full shanka prakshalan of 7-8 rounds and we were instructed not to do full shankhaprashlan on our own. 5th round, stomach was paining to twist, to do triat bhujangasana but just powered through. Now I just let go and sat in Indian toilet. And it worked. All the water along with waste and toxin kept coming out with full force. Towards I could see black particles which felt like something that was there since long time in my intestine. Sat there for 15 minutes. When I felt I was done, I just grabbed myself a blanket and laid down. I was exhausted. After 40 minutes took bath because felt very sweaty unlike previous times. Then had kichdi. Unlike previous times, I had water seeping out of my anus 5-6 hours after the kriya. I had to goto washroom so many times. But overall I could see a lot of heat coming out. I just rested almost the entire day. This time had no salt craving or blaoting post the kirya. Last time I had acidity or bloating after the kirya. Infact no salt craving too. But I did feel tired the whole day. I almost just slept through the entire day. Mind was clear but couldn't really meditate, felt too tired to do that too. Overall Shanka Prakshalan is an amazing cleansing technique. For me it just required that will power to start the process after that I know that all my intestines are cleared. What we eat before and after are very important to have a pleasant expereince. Otherwise you can easily be bloated and have acidity because salt water could remove stomach lining and can take a few days for the lining to come back. Also better to do the first time under expert guidance. With experience you also will start understading your body more. Thank you all the teachers in present and past to keep such a beautiful yogic practice alive to this generation for us to expereince.


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